Tuesday, December 6, 2011

How To Delete your Facebook account

1. Prepare a list of any sites that you log into using the Facebook connect feature.  You'll need to go each of those sites and close your accounts there. If you log into any of them over the 14 day period it counts and you'll have to start over. You can always recreate the accounts later.

2. Go to Facebook Account Deletion page. If the site asks you to log in, do so. You'll be taken to a page titled "Delete My Account". There are two buttons click the button labeled "Submit".

3. You will now be asked, "You are about to permanently delete your account. Are you sure?" If you are sure, then you need to enter your password. There's also one of those security boxes where you enter the random text. Then click the button labeled "OK".

4. If you don't login during those 14 days afterwards your account will be gone.

5. You will receive a note to your e-mail from Facebook that you've initiated the deletion process. If you don't receive this e-mail it's possible that the process may not have begun and you'll need to try again.

Note: It takes 14 days for Facebook to officially delete your account. If you log into your account before those 14 days are up you'll need to restart the deletion process. This is the most complicated part of the process.

1 comment:

  1. Click on account on fb and click on delete my account and just confirm your deletion. we are also listed some trick on Technogupshup
